Member Spotlight - The Alvis Family
Holsteins and Sunflowers make a beautiful pair at Alvis Farms LLC By Terry Perotti, VA State Editor Less than an hour west of Virginia’s...

VA Juniors Leaped to Success at National Holstein Convention
The Virginia Junior Holstein Association took 12 junior members to Appleton, Wisconsin at the end of June for the National Holstein...

2015 National Holstein Convention Delegate Report
2015 National Holstein Convention June 22-26, 2015 St. Charles, IL Va. Holstein Members, I would like to...

2015 President Letter to Membership
January 2015 Greetings Fellow Holstein Breeders, It is with great excitement that I welcome you to a new membership year of Virginia...

2014 National Holstein Report
2014 Holstein Convention in Dubuque, IA Delegate report by Matt Nuckols Hello fellow VA Holstein members, As I am flying home from...

John D. Hardesty
John D. Hardesty “Jack” John Douglas Hardesty, 82, of Berryville, Virginia, passed away Tuesday, April 15, 2014 in the Blue Ridge Hospice...
Updates from Holstein USA
Annual Award Applications Due February 28 Applications are due February 28 for the Distinguished Young Holstein Breeder, Elite Breeder...