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2014 President's Message

Dear Members,

2014 will be a year of changes for Virginia Holstein Association. Our Secretary-Treasurer Margie Ann Dick is retiring from that position after having faithfully served us for the past 34 years. I invite all of you to join me in expressing our appreciation to her for her many years of dedicated service to the Virginia Holstein Association. We plan to commemorate Margie Ann’s “reign” at this year’s Annual Meeting, an event you will not want to miss. We still value Margie Ann and her many years of experience as great assets to our Association, and I’m sure she will continue to participate and contribute as an active member and volunteer.

I’d like to introduce Becky Daubert as our new Secretary-Treasurer. Becky is experienced and very comfortable with computer technology and bookkeeping, and has agreed to also manage our Holstein website. Becky and her husband, Jeremy, have recently moved to Rockingham County with their two children Hayley and Trey. Jeremy recently was hired as the Area Dairy Extension Agent in the Rockingham county office. Becky and Jeremy are both graduates of Virginia Tech, and we are happy to welcome them back to Virginia. Since graduation, they have had various positions in the dairy industry in Pennsylvania and New York, including owning and operating their own dairy herd. Some of their cows have moved to Virginia with them and will be housed at a Shenandoah Valley dairy, so we hope to see some Dauberts in the Junior and PeeWee division at the shows.

Becky may be reached at:

Rebecca Daubert, 4939 Ottobine Rd, Dayton, VA 22821


I am excited about serving as President of the Virginia Holstein Association in the coming year. I welcome everyone’s input and ideas, and encourage every member to devote some of your energy and talents to Virginia Holstein Association. Together we can make our Holstein and dairy business more successful and more enjoyable for all of us!


Debbie Hardesty

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